Dintotdeauna mi-a plăcut înghețata.
A fost dulcele preferat al copilăriei mele – și cauza celor mai multe dintre problemele de sănătate ale vieții mele.
Explicația tuturor a fost că ”recele” dăunează gâtului meu.

Ulterior – după ce am studiat mult – am aflat că problema cu înghețata nu este atât ”recele”, cât mai ales compoziția acesteia – în care sunt adunate la un loc multe ingrediente nesănătoase – ouă, lactate, smântână, unt sau alte grăsimi, iar la înghețatele moderne – coloranți, emulgatori, îndulcitori și multe alte substanțe chimice dăunătoare.
Înghețatele din magazine nu sunt decât amestecuri de prafuri chimice. Advărate bombe toxice – în care nu se mai regăsesc decât amintiri ale gusturilor vechilor înghețate (nici acelea foarte sănătoase, dar măcar nu atât de ”otrăvitoare”!).

Gătitul creativ a venit cu o mulțime de variante de înlocuitori de înghețată – pe care fiecare persoană le poate adapta și mai mult gusturilor și preferințelor fiecăruia.

Două rețete foarte bune de la doamna Daniela Sorina Barbu din Ploiești.

Cocoa raw-vegan ice cream


Main ingredients: hemp seeds, one avocado (soft, well ripen), honey (according to taste), carob powder and almond essence.
Blend all the ingredients together and get a creamy mixture.
Place it in the freezer 1-2 hours – then ornate with pine seeds and mint leafs, before serving.

Fruits, caju and coconut ice-cream

This is a three –layered ice-cream:
First layer (on the bottom) is a mixture made of caju (hydrated for 1-2 hours), coconut flesh and a teaspoon of coconut oil (optional a vanilla bean piece, for flavor).
Second layer is made with pineapple cut in small pieces (or other favorite fruits)
Third layer is another mixture of blended caju and raspberry, together with some honey or agave syrup (for extra sweet taste).
For decoration: blackcurrant, raspberry and small parts of the first layer mixture.
Keep it in the freezer 1-2 hours.


On the picture, honey was added just before serving.

We will continue by presenting other possible recipes for raw-vegan ice-creams, in Silvia’s and mine experience from this summer.

Low fat raw-vegan ice-cream

inghetata4Blend together 2-3 very ripen bananas, one avocado, 1-2 peaches/apricots/few strawberries, kiwi or other berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries) and some honey (or agave syrup) for extra-sweetness
The creamy mixture is poured into different forms and kept in freezer 2-3 hours, then served.
We have prepared 2-3 different versions, with different fruits and different colors (red, green, orange, blue-purple) and then we combined small servings of all of them on the same plate.

Low fat cocoa ice-cream

inghetata5Blend together 2-3 well ripen bananas, one avocado, 1-2 teaspoons of bio cocoa powder (or carob powder) and 1-2 teaspoons of sesame seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds or pine seeds.
The soft mixture will be taken out of blender and mixed in another bowl with small pieces of nuts and hazels, before put into freezer for 2-3 hours.
The consistency and flavor of this mixture will be very close to that of a ”commercial nuts chocolate ice-cream”.

The main ingredients of the raw vegan ice-creams are ”the fats” – and we have the following healthy “fat replacements” of diary products and oils:
– avocado, a special fruit called also ”the vegetable butter” – allowing us to prepare many sauces and creams
– coconut milk, coconut flesh or coconut flakes – another important fat source
– raw seeds and nuts – rehydrated and blended with different other ingredients. One will use small seeds (such as sesame, hemp, chia and flax seeds) as well as bigger seeds (such as pine, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, apricot kerns, almonds and pistachio) – and all kind of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts and others).
These ingredients combine with others, with sweet spices such as vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, mint, cilantro seeds, fennel, anise etc. and different fruits.
The more ”consistent” fruits, such as dates, figs, resins and bananas, together with honey – will bring the extra sweetness of taste.

A good blender (such as Vitamix, but also others) is ”a must” for preparing recipes in the raw-vegan kitchen.

And the best part of the ice-creams presentations is the fact that all can be eaten to one’s heart’s content.
The body will “naturally” balance the desire and pleasure of eating natural ice-cream – and in one moment will stop desiring a certain taste, a certain texture or flavor.
It will get “sick and tired” of certain ice-creams.

With the “chemical ice-creams” our senses are “tricked” and do not react normally – and one can eats limitless amounts of “artificial colored” ice-cream without a natural “stop” reaction.

With raw-vegan diet, sweets included, body reacts when doesn’t want or need something (lack of desire or reject reactions, such as pain, bloating or other symptoms).

So – enjoy the natural ice-creams and allow your body to benefit from a healthy and nutritional desert!
