Event Calendar 2015

Month Event

Monthly gemotherapy meeting

Friday, 30 january2015

16.00 – 18.00

Forte Life Constanța, Bd. Tomis 235, etaj 1, Dacia Complex

Upper respiratory disorders – oral cavity, vegetation adenoidiene, sinusitis, pharyngo-laryngeal

Dr. Corina Băsceanu, phone: 0723 289353


Monthly gemotherapy meeting

Friday, 20 february 2015

16.00 – 18.00

Forte Life Constanța, Bd. Tomis 235, floor 1, Dacia Complex

Lower respiratory diseases – bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia

Dr. Corina Băsceanu, phone: 0723 289353


Monthly gemotherapy meeting

Friday, 27 march 2015

16.00 – 18.00

Forte Life Constanța, Bd. Tomis 235, floor 1, Dacia Complex

Kidney disease – glomerulonephritis, kidney stones, kidney failure debut

Dr. Corina Băsceanu, phone: 0723 289353


Monthly gemotherapy meeting

Friday, 24 april 2015

16.00 – 18.00

Forte Life Constanța, Bd. Tomis 235, floor 1, Complex Dacia

Bladder and urinary disorders

Dr. Corina Băsceanu, phone: 0723 289353


Cristelei’s dialogs (invited Dr. Sorina Soescu, Natura Center): book launch “SIMPLE . Nourishing LYRICS”, DIALOGUE WITH READERS ON THEMES AND HOLISTIC HEALTH AND NUTRITION autograph session.

Miercuri, 20 mai 2015

17.00 – 20.00

Aurora Hotel, Mamaia

National gemotherapy conference, Timisoara

29-31 may 2015



Monthly gemotherapy meeting

Friday, 26 june 2015

16.00 – 18.00

Forte Life Constanța, Bd. Tomis 235, floor 1, Dacia Complex

Body reactions to stress (weakness autonomic nervous system)

Dr. Corina Băsceanu, tel: 0723 289353

Homeopathy cours – Johnathan Hardy, București

19-21 iunie 2015



Monthly gemotherapy meeting

Friday, 25 september 2015

16.00 – 18.00

Forte Life Constanța, Bd. Tomis 235, floor 1, Dacia Complex

Digestive diseases

Dr. Corina Băsceanu, phone: 0723 289353


Monthly gemotherapy meeting

Friday, 30 october 2015

16.00 – 18.00

Forte Life Constanța, Bd. Tomis 235, floor 1, Dacia Complex

Injuries and consequences surgery interventions

Dr. Corina Băsceanu, phone: 0723 289353


Monthly gemotherapy meeting

November, 20 november 2015

16.00 – 18.00

Forte Life Constanța, Bd. Tomis 235, floor 1, Dacia Complex

Genital diseases

Dr. Corina Băsceanu, tel: 0723 289353


Monthly gemotherapy meeting

Friday, 11 december 2015

16.00 – 18.00

Forte Life Constanța, Bd. Tomis 235, floor 1, Dacia Complex

Skin diseases

Dr. Corina Băsceanu, phone: 0723 289353

Event Calendar 2016

Luna Eveniment

School ”Health 5D” – on-going project

Duration: January – December 2016

On-line: https://www.centrulnatura.ro/en/health-5d-school//


Homeopathy Course – dr. Johnathan Hardy – Moluscs

15-17 April


Organisers – Romanian Society of Homeopathy

More info: www.homeopatie-srh.ro


VIIth National Conference of Gemmotherapy

3 – 5th June


Organiser: ARGH (Romanian Association of Gemmotherapy and Homeopathy)

More info: www.gemoterapie.ro