Manualul de lucru al Școlii Sănătate 5D

Manualul de lucru al Școlii Sănătate 5D - este cea mai completă și detaliată colecție de informații cu privire la funcționarea corpului omenesc - explicată folosind atât datele clasice de anatomie, fiziologie, biochimie, cât și interpretările simbolice ale Medicinii Tradiționale Chineze sau informațiile practice din procesul de detoxifiere. Cartea împletește [...]

April 6, 2015|


I recently heard Matt Kahn’s last transmission, the modern mystic, who reverses spirituality, as I knew it. v=9CYS6nbtdMY&feature=em-subs_digest And I received some messages that "touched" me deeply. One of them particularly suits me: Awakening from EGO is like awakening from a “spiritual” drunkenness. When you live in EGO it [...]

February 11, 2015|

Nature Center

NATURE Center is a natural medical practice organized in the legal frames of SIMILE Foundation, and offers natural health advices in the fields of homeopathy, herbal medicine, gemmotherapy, nutrition, diet and detoxification.

December 9, 2014|

Raw vegan garlic sauce

A recipe suggestion for an evening meal, from Silvia Soescu, our young artist, creator of another ”culinary picture” made with natural ingredients. It’s an easy and quick to make recipe – suitable for an active, dynamic and busy person. Main ingredients: - one avocado - half lemon - 3-4 garlic [...]

September 9, 2014|

Mung beans salad with bell-peppers

Recipe from Silvia Soescu, a young, creative and skilled amateur “chef” in her own kitchen It’s a good dish for lunch or dinner for colder days, when the body needs something more “consistent”. It is also good for those in “transition” from cooked to raw food – used with the [...]

September 9, 2014|

“Healthy” raw vegan ice-cream

Dintotdeauna mi-a plăcut înghețata. A fost dulcele preferat al copilăriei mele - și cauza celor mai multe dintre problemele de sănătate ale vieții mele. Explicația tuturor a fost că ”recele” dăunează gâtului meu. Ulterior – după ce am studiat mult – am aflat că problema cu înghețata nu este atât [...]

September 9, 2014|

Raw vegan beetroot sour soup

We prepared another version of the raw-vegan soup already presented in the recipes, using a bigger beetroot for different flavor and color.   Main ingredients: 5-6 big carrots (aprox 1 kg carrots) 3 roots parsley 3 roots parsnip one small celery root one medium to big beetroot parsley and lovage [...]

September 9, 2014|

Summer time and water

The heat of summer influences our human body – which work its thermal balance through perspiration processes. The need for drinking water is bigger in summer time than in other periods of the year. How much water do we need to drink in summer, to keep a good hydration of [...]

August 22, 2014|Tags: |


WHAT HAPPEN TO US? Part I Since I began to realize my existence on earth, I wondered continuously… What happen to people? Why get sick so often, why visibly degrade their physical body (people call the process "aging" and accept it as "normal") in a few years? Why are so [...]

March 29, 2013|Tags: |
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