Thank you to Mrs. Mihaela Walter for a wonderful book sent, which deeply impressed me from the first pages.
The author’s opinion overlaps with my own current development, that’s why I chose to present you, in translation and adaptation, some fragments from the book (the emphasis is mine!).
Galina Schatalova – Wir fressen uns zu Tode (We kill ourselves by eating greedily)
A Russian doctor’s revolutionary concept for a longer life in optimal health
Published in Ganzheitlich Heilen Publishing House, 2002
Chapter 1 – The Dangers of Civilization
I am often asked what one must do to maintain health and dynamism, interest in life and remain an active social participant even in old age. I am asked how one should eat right, breathe right, what exercises to do, etc.
Next, I want to introduce my own “Natural Health System” to the readers.
Health does not result from the mechanical application of breathing or physical exercises, toning techniques or following the rules of nutrition, but above all from understanding the MOTIVATION for which man does everything he does. And for this, everyone must know according to which Natural Laws the basic processes of the body work
humanism. Consciousness and unconsciousness are as important to the health process as anything else.
I purposefully discuss ONE SYSTEM of natural health. In other words: when you want to be healthy, then you arm yourself with PATIENCE and WILL, which will last you not just for a week or a month, but for your WHOLE LIFE. You have a difficult task ahead of you, because you need to change your whole way of thinking and your whole way of life. It requires breaking countless harmful habits and re-learning new and more useful ones. AND last but not least: you need to understand yourself AS A PART OF NATURE. And here you will be hindered by the enormous difficulties in modern society, which is not built in harmony with Nature, but in confrontation with Nature.
It is important to take care of the Natural Laws that determine our existence. In the first quarter of the 20th century, the great scholar Vladimir Vernadsky put forth the idea that humanity together with living and inanimate Nature constitutes ONE WHOLE, functioning in accordance with the Laws of Nature. And we have not advanced much in the recognition of these Laws. This led to the unhealthy evolution of the development of modern civilization. Conceptions regarding the norms of life were established that brought humanity to the brink of self-annihilation.
I learned that man needs time (several years) to be able to evaluate the difference between natural VALUES and those existing in his life.
Why do I make this claim?
From the study of biology, of living beings, a well-known law has emerged: the time from the birth of an animal to its maturity lasts between 1/7 and 1/17 of its total life span. When we think that the human being matures at 21-22 years (after the third cycle of 7 years), we can easily calculate that the age left by Nature for the human being is at least 154 years.
But in reality, reaching this moment is currently very far away.
This means that either our calculations are wrong, or there are other reasons why man becomes frail and dies at 60 or 70. The first option can be ruled out, because the number of people on Earth who have exceeded 100 years is quite large – too large to be just a coincidence.
The conclusion that is imposed is that it depends only on ourselves, on our ignorance of the Laws of Nature, on our way of life, on our habits and whims (tones), which often become a second “I”. Let’s not justify ourselves with our everyday difficulties. These justifications are only illusions, because they allow people to make no effort to overcome their own weaknesses. Even in developed, capitalist countries, where hard everyday life is long forgotten, the average life expectancy does not exceed 80 years.
It is not about circumstances, but about the fact that we are not able to use a great wealth that Nature has given us: the unlimited possibilities of the human body. And what’s more, we haven’t even properly understood our body.
Tones and habits, dogmas and prejudices often supersede scientific knowledge. And the saddest thing is that a recognition of the Laws of Nature has remained at the lowest level he possibly. And the biggest paradox sounds like this: we still don’t know to this day what action certain foods have on the body, even if the process of eating has existed since the existence of mankind.
We often use in the manufacture of food and medicine both artificial components and substances, which, despite their natural origin, are irrationally concentrated. A collective self-poisoning of all people is thus triggered.
Nature has drawn for the human being well-established boundaries for survival. The temperature limits between which it can exist without clothes, or without the walls of the houses protecting its body, are very narrow, between 50 and 60 degrees. Human understanding allows a relative overcoming of these boundaries. But people have created such an artificial living habitat, destroying all the threads that still connected him to Nature, creating the illusion that he is allowed everything. This all-sufficiency did not go unpunished: the organism that does not know natural living conditions becomes an easy prey to numerous diseases.
But people do not look for the cause of the diseases they have in the loss of harmony with Nature and the false norms of life they apply, but in the disturbances that occur at the level of the internal organs of the body. Diseases are considered a kind of “failures” or “feathers” of these organs. Superficial considerations of human vices have led to the belief that the study of the anatomy and function of each individual organ, with the help of the synthesis of new drugs, can “repair” the organs. This led to the concentration of European medicine’s efforts on the research of details, at the cost of neglecting the knowledge of the Whole = the human organism. Today there are over 170 medical disciplines that deal with the research of a certain detail. It is no accident that we still do not know what a healthy person should be, because we do not have objective physiological criteria of health.
For many years, a meeting of the World Health Organization, in which the “cream of the crop” of scholars gathered, formulated the following: “Health means the state of the absence of disease and a situation in which man is in the totality of his physical, mental and social abilities”.
Such a definition cannot naturally be the basis of an effective health prevention system, because it does not take into account either the soul or the body part. That is why I felt the need to do research in order to find a basis for a system.
And I came to the conclusion that a truly healthy man needs five times less oxygen than his “apparently healthy” colleague. The first breathes less often, without needing special training, having two or three cycles per minute, and not 18 or 20 like the other.
This fact confirmed to me conceptually about the use of the organism’s energy for oxygen exchange, producing an easier balancing of its functions.
I hope you enjoyed and encouraged Dr. Schatalova‘s excerpt.
You can also see how it looks in the pictures on Ms. Mihaela Walter‘s blog.
I will continue the translation of some fragments from the book, which I will upload step by step in the section “Iubim fructele” on the website – the