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This site has been operating for over 20 years, for purposes of education, training, support and support.
For a pleasant and efficient navigation within the site, please watch the video presentation on the left of this text, made by Sorina Soescu, primary doctor of public health and management, specialized in Homeopathy and Phytotherapy, having also studied psychology medical.
We wish you a pleasant viewing!
A year of Soul growth
The power of words
April 2022 We started the year 2022 with a project of Celebration and celebration of each day, through daily posts on Facebook. And I realized that we are already in April and I haven't uploaded [...]
2021 balance sheet
A twisted year At the end of 365 days of many experiences and learnings, I take stock and look for themes, milestones, various repeating patterns, to place it in the overall picture of life's evolution. [...]
A little chemistry, a little physics, observations made with open eyes
When you carefully observe the world around you, when you know your body well and trust its signals, you can realize when something is happening. Recently, the feeling that "something is happening" is more and [...]
Ongoing collaborations and partnerships

Centrul Natura si Centrul Equilibrium Constanta lucreaza impreuna
Colaborare Centrul Equilibrium Constanța, dr. Daniela Profir

Proiecte periodice Vitality Studio Constanța
Colaborare cu Vitality Studio Pilates Constanta